Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is common among those in 10-30s on their face, back, and chest. It may appear with pus and red swelling. It is believed that hormonal balance, sebum of the skin, abnormal keratinization, bacterial infection, age, food, stress, and cosmetics are all related to aggravate the condition.
The management of the condition require healthy life style (descent meal and sleep), changing cosmetics, the use of hypo-irritant foam, avoiding constipation, besides topical medicine. A short course of oral antibiotics or oral Vitamin B2 and B6 may be prescribed. Chinese medicine called Jumihaidokuto may also be added. Chemical pealing is another effective way of the management, although this method is not covered by Japanese Health Insurance. Massage peeling (click here), ÜBER PEEL (click here), and Dermapen4 (click here) are more advanced technique to manage acne and acne scar.
- Massage peeling agent
- Before
- After (The effect of 6 courses of massage peeling.)
- ÜBER PEEL agent
- Dermapen4 procedure
- Before
- After(The effect of 3 courses of ÜBER PEEL procedures)
- Dermapen agent
- Dermapen4 procedure
- Before
- After(The effect of 10 courses of Dermapen4 procedure.)